Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Administrative In-Processing: A Long Day


Know your limits, but never stop trying to break them.

My Path

As you can tell by the title, it was a long day of filling out paperwork. We spent about 10 hours, total, in Classroom 3 of Heywood Hall. We were briefed on parking zones, sick call and athletic trainers, Medical/Dental In-Processing, the Montgomery and Post 9-11 GI Bills, the TBS Mail Room, tomorrow’s Swim Qualification (Swim Qual), and Security of Personal Information. We also filled out all of our pay/reimbursement paperwork. There is still no word about the access to the Internet in our rooms. We have been given a mailing address, but keep in mind that it is subject to change per my medical and dental screening.

2nd LT Ross E. Allen
Echo Co. The Basic School
21641 Belleau Ave.
Quantico, VA 22134

It is important to include my rank in the first line and all of the second line. If you plan to send me anything, make it standard mail unless you let me know ahead of time. The TBS Mail Room does not accept packages from UPS, FedEx, or DHL or any mail that requires additional postage (i.e. priority mail, express mail, delivery confirmation, etc).

I have one more brief to attend as I write this post. I’ll probably grab some evening chow at O’Bannon Hall and then get some PT in, Probably a run around a decent loop to the pull-up bars. I’ve been told that there are some makeshift sandbag kettlebells. My hopes are to work those into a circuit somehow. I also may find my way over to the 24-hour weight room and see what kind of equipment they have. I’ll post my actual workout below once I’ve completed it.


Wendler 5-3-1 Strength: Week 3 (75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1 or More)
Bench Press: 180#, 205#, 230# (4 Reps)
Back Squat: 235#, 265#, 295# (Fail)

Skill Work
Muscle-Up Sets to Failure
Multiple Sets of 10 Strict Pull-Ups followed by 10 Butterfly Pull-Ups
3 Sets of 15 Strict Ring Dips
3 Sets of 15 55# Kettlebell Swings (Work on getting Full Extension)


  1. Quick note here, Ross: The correct abbreviation for second lieutenants in the Marines is "2ndLt" or simply "Lt" for either first or second lieutenants. We don't use the superscript, a space, or a period/punctuation. The Army does it differently, and most people are more familiar with theirs than ours.

    1. That's Word autocorrecting for me. Always wrong. Go figure.
