Monday, July 16, 2012

Inventory Physical Fitness Test


Accept that you can do nothing for anyone and everything for yourself. It’s not about impressing others, but proving to yourself that you can do better than you ever imagined.

My Path

This morning was an early one, as I mentioned before. Got up for a small breakfast and a good stretch. As standard operating procedure (SOP), a lot of “hurry up and wait” going on. I’m glad that we were in the first group of platoons to run the Physical Fitness Test (PFT). It rained last night and as the heat increased, so did the humidity. On our way out to Landing Zone (LZ) 7, we saw a company exiting their SOQ in full gear and cammie paint. I believe it was Charlie Company preparing to go out on their final FEX. Maybe it’s their second to last, but they only have two months left of training. They were packing all kinds of weaponry: M40G, M16A4s with M203 grenade launchers, Squad Automatic Weapons (SAWs), and maybe even some mortar tubes and bases. Just another day in the life of a Marine Lieutenant and TBS.

I exceeded my expectations on the PFT. I guess it was just a good day. Details will be down in the WOD section. But once we finished the PFT, it was off to O’Bannon for Height and Weight measurements. I came in at 69.5” and 167#. That’s a little heavier than I have been over the last couple months, but I haven’t been able to continue the same volume of workouts as when I was back in Indiana. Then it was time for urinalysis and free time until 1200 for more briefs for the afternoon. During that free time I was able to get some financial stuff taken care of with USAA, set up an installation appointment with Comcast, and get a good amount of reading in. There were some good briefs about Sexual Harassment and Assault, Uniforms, and the reputation we are establishing as Marine Officers in the afternoon. How our peers perceive us now will follow us throughout our careers. Hopefully I’m making a good impression, but it’s hard to tell with how competitive many LTs are getting already.

It’s been difficult to find a good niche within my platoon as about 85% of the LTs in my Company are from the Naval Academy. There aren’t a whole lot of us OCS guys here, and definitely not within my squad or platoon. I’m sure once training picks up and we interact more with each other, rather than just sitting around in classes, we will all start to mold into a cohesive unit and it won’t be so bad. Now for more reading before another early morning. Headed to Mainside for medical, dental, and personally owned vehicle (POV) registration. Hopefully I won’t be held up too late so that I can meet the Comcast installation technician in the late afternoon.


Strict Pullups: 20/20 (Score: 100/100)
Crunches in 2 Minutes: 100/100 (Score: 100/100)
3 Mile Run for Time: 17:47 (Score: 100/100)
Overall Score: 300/300

Wendler 5-3-1 Strength: Week 4 "Deload Week" (40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5)
Bench Press: 95#, 120#, 145#

5 Rounds for time – 12:28
20 Double Unders
10 Glute-Hamstring Developer (GHD) Situps
20 Pullups
10 1.5 Pood/53# Kettlebell Swings

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