Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Admin & The Gym


Wiser is the man who makes a million different mistakes than the man who makes the same mistake a million times.

My Path

I'm going to try to keep this post relatively short as it's late and I've been doing nothing but paperwork for the last few hours. Time for some rest. Today consisted of medical screening and vaccinations, POV registration, finally taking an audiogram, and getting my military ID (get one before you show up to TBS if you can, it'll save you a lot of hassle). Had I already had my ID and gotten through the audiogram yesterday I would have been secured by 0830, like my roommate. But I'm not going to complain about being secured at 1430 either. Once secured, it was time for some much needed PT.

I've been training at Ramer Hall, which is on Camp Barrett. It consists of a weight room, pool (there are hours posted for lap swimming), half a basketball court, functional fitness area (that's what we'll call it for now), sauna/steam room, and locker rooms. The Physical Trainers room is also located in the basement. While I don't record it here, I try to do a weight routine everyday. I normally work 3 day splits (Mon/Thurs: Chest and Back; Tues/Fri: Legs and Shoulders; Wed/Sat: Biceps and Triceps). The Ramer weight room has plenty of equipment to hit these muscle groups in multiple ways, so varying the exercises isn't an issue at all. But what I do record here takes place in the "Lower Gym," or the functional fitness area that takes up the other half of the basketball court.

The Lower Gym consists of 2 squat racks without safety bars, 2 squat racks with safety bars, a deadlift platform, 2 20' ropes, a pullup rig/pullup bars around the walls, GHD, Concept2 Rowing Machine, vertical peg board, suspended rings, kettlebells of assorted weights, and a couple cable machines. With all of this equipment you can hit Metabolic Conditioning workouts (METCONs), strength workouts, work on olympic lifts, or resistance workouts. Although the bumpers are old and starting to chip, they get the job done. It could use some improvement, but since when do you need perfection to get a good workout in. If you bring your own jump rope or speed rope, you can make things really nasty. I'm hoping to keep up with most of the Guerrilla CrossFit (my old CrossFit box) workouts, as long as the equipment and space allows. I don't see any reason for me to make it out to either of the other two gyms on base when this one does the job well and it's so close. Hopefully I will get one or two training partners. It's always more fun training with someone else.

Courtesy of Guerrilla CrossFit
5 Rounds for Time - 21:09
50 Jump Touches (18" Above Extended Hand & Finger Tips)
40 Air Squats
30 Standard Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

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