Wednesday, July 25, 2012

MCMAP and Sunburn


Take achievements and failures with identical strides.

My Path

It was a welcomed change to be outside for a change. The welcome went away after about three hours though. I could feel my forehead starting to burn. Surprising I wasn't affected by the heat very much, even in full utilities and sleeves down. It was just the sun taking a toll on the skin that started to get bothersome. Of course no one utilized "forward thinking" to bring sunscreen. Although it may be a little late, having some on hand never helps. Sunscreen, along with some aloe, made it onto my shopping list for tonight. We were outside learning MCMAP techniques for at least eight hours straight today.

Today started with the "basic warrior stance," foot movements, punches, leg sweeps, and lower body strikes. Apparently, these basics will be covered each time we begin to "belt up," or increase our belt rank up through to green (the third belt). I understand the importance of being brilliant in the basics, so this doesn't both me a bit. But I wish we got into some more advanced techniques. Much of what we worked on today I had a basic understanding of from my years of Kenpo training. After lunch we got to "box" for a one minute round, body shots only. It was a pretty good way of getting some frustration out. Looking at the schedule, we won't get to do anymore hitting until Friday, which is the newly scheduled day for receiving our tan belts. This opens up our Saturday, thank God. But tomorrow has some interesting techniques scheduled: bayonet fighting, armed manipulations, unarmed restraints, and defensive skills/counters to attacks.

What's cool about the MCMAP training is how instructors conduct "tie-ins." After working each technique, everyone gathers around as the instructor goes into further depth of explaining the technique and then addressing important issues within the Corps. When talking about falls, the tie-in was about suicide. Other subjects were addressed after subsequent techniques, with some personal stories being told. Everything related back to what we can do when we have to lead Marines.

I may not be able to get a post out tomorrow as I assume the Company Duty Officer (CDO) duty right at the end of the training day. I won't be relieved until thirty minutes prior to the start of the next training day. It is a two-man post and I will have the opportunity to sleep, so that won't be a concern. I just want to use my time to perform well during our MCMAP testing. Rest is Key. I'll talk more about my SPC interview on the next post.

Getting Punched
Getting Kicked
Getting Thrown
Falling...A lot!

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