Sunday, July 29, 2012

Update of the Last Few Days


You can never be blamed for trying when things fall apart due to circumstances you have no control over.

My Path

It's been a long few days, to say the least. We wrapped up our MCMAP training, and I have my tan belt now. They say we know just enough to go out into town and get our asses beat. Haha! Some of the stories of Marines going out, getting into bar fights, taking their "Basic Warrior Stance" and yelling, "Marine Corps!" are hilarious. I'll wait until I get my grey or green belt before I try anything stupid. Kidding! But I do want to move up in belts while I'm here. One Marine in my platoon is a Martial Arts Instructor (MAI) and will probably hold classes for a couple hours each weekend so that we can work up to higher belts. The Martial Arts Center of Excellence (MACE) is also open during lunch for those who want to move up as well. I might head over there a few times a week, depending on our schedule.

Part of what made my week so long was being the Company Duty Officer (CDO) on Thursday night. I had to report to my post at 1900 for a brief on my duties, and then another Marine and I got to split the rest of the shift how we wanted from 2100 to 0630. The post is a glorified Fire Watch. Throughout the night we make our rounds about the SOQ and report any unusual activity. My shift was from 0130 to 0630. It made Friday extremely long as we had our Warmup, Exercise, and Flexibility (WEF) circuit. It consisted of Pugil Sticks, Body Sparing, and a Landing Zone (LZ) Drill. It wasn't too awful, just exhausting. I held my own in the Body Sparing and Pugil Sticks. The bayonet techniques we learned throughout the week really work!

Needless to say, I spent Friday night and Saturday recovering. I went to bed by 2100 Friday night and woke up around 0800 Saturday. I wanted to go to church this morning, but my body wasn't having it. I was able to get back into the gym Saturday and today though. It's nice to get back into a PT schedule. Tomorrow morning we have a three mile hike. I'm not too concerned about this hike as it's basically an introductory hike at a three mile per hour pace. I may share in my next post why hikes/humps may concern me. Some of you already know about my experience with them at OCS, but I will share with those of you who don't later. In the afternoon we have our Phase 1 Exam 1. There's a good amount of information being covered, some of which I know pretty well from OCS and some that I need to keep studying for. I studied for a couple hours this morning, then hit the gym. I'm going to study some more after posting this, get some dinner, and study some more. It's going to be an early night with a 0515 On Deck Time (ODT) and a 0700 step for the hump. The rest of the week is in preparation for "Range Week!" Excited! OORRAH!


Pugil Sticks
Body Sparing
LZ Drils:
Squad Pushups, Buddy Side Carry, Buddy Squats, Buddy Drag, MCMAP Striking Combos, Bear Crawl, Buddy Vertical Situps, Buddy Flack Drags, Buddy Deadlifts, Crab Walks, MCMAP Knee Stricks, Broad Star Jumps, MCMAP Leg Sweeps, Squad Lunges

Wendler 5-3-1 Strength: Week 1 (65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5 or More)
Military Press: 100#, 115#, 130# (8 Reps)
Deadlift: 255#, 295#, 335# (8 Reps)

3 Rounds for Time - 7:29
1 Muscle Up into
5 Ring Dips
10 GHD Situps
15 24" Box Jumps
20 1.5 Pood/53# Kettlebell Swings
25 Double Unders

15 Minute AMRAP - 8 Rounds 8 Reps
1 20' Rope Climb
5 Burpees
10 20# Wallball Shots

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