Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kicked Out of DEERS & INTERNET!


We can master anything with enough effort, even ourselves.

My Path

An early morning, as usual. I was already used to it before checking in to TBS. I would be up every morning by 0500, and 0430 isn't much of a change. But we were loaded up onto busses and shipped to the Mainside medical offices. Today we attempted to be screened at dental, optometry, and audiology. Optometry and dental were relatively quick. But we received word that the audiology office was only taking six Marines every 15-20 minutes. In an 8 hour day, that only equals out to about 150 Marines. Our company is close the 300. Needless to say, we sat around waiting a lot for something that never came. We are scheduled to make it up tomorrow. 

Rather than just sit around for nothing, a few Marines and I attempted to get our military IDs. We had to walk about a mile to the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) office. It wasn't all bad once we signed in. We sat in the AC for about 15 minutes when a woman came into the waiting room and announced, "I need to see all Lieutenants with Echo Company." We filed back to her office for her to tell us that she could only take the Marines who had dependents, so that they could be added to the system, making them eligible for all military benefits and coverage. The rest of us were turned away and told we couldn't get our IDs until August 20th. That kind of poses a problem as we are required to have a military ID when passing through the base gates and to register our personally owned vehicles (POVs) with the DoD. She mentioned that we may be able to make apointemtns with her five Marines at a time before business hours. There's about 40 or 50 of us needing IDs. Hopefully we can get everything taken care of tomorrow. I agree that it is more important to get the new Instructor Battalion staff members' family into the system first. I just wish the communication was a little better. But it's the military, what can you expect.

I had scheduled an installation appointment for today between 1500 and 1700. The field tech called me at 1230 wondering if I was available. Obviously, I was not. I was concerned that I wasn't going to get it taken care of today as we weren't sure when we were going to get back and what else was in store for the evening. I guess my persistent phone calls paid off. I received another phone call at 1545 and had everything installed by 1635. I'm happy to say that life is al ittle less stressful now that I have direct Internet access. I am able to access all of my military accounts and financial information more readily. And now I'll be able to get posts up more regularly.


Wendler 5-3-1 Strength: Week 4 "Deload Week" (40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5)
Back Squat: 125#, 155#, 185#

"Jerk Work"
95# - Push Jerk x 3/Split Jerk x 3
115# - Push Jerk x 3/Split Jerk x 3
135# - Push Jerk x 3/Split Jerk x 3
155# - Push Jerk x 2/Split Jerk x 2
175# - Push Jerk x 1/Split Jerk x 1
185# - Push Jerk x 1(PR)/Split Jerk x 1
195# - Split Jerk x 1
205# - Split Jerk x 1(PR)
215# - Split Jerk x Failure

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